Monday, January 31, 2011

Serval Cat

Serval cat or felis serval is include in  the cat family, this cat is a slender, have long legged with a long neck, with a small head and have large, erect ears. The male cat have more than 1 m (40 in) long, with a 30 cm (12 in) tail. This car is a big cat if you see around you this cat may bigger than the normal, Serval cat have more than 11 kg (30 lb) of weight and stand about 58 (23 in) tall at the shoulder.

Serval cat have flat coat, yellow to reddish brown, is white to the underside, with a large or small spots and stripes. Some serval cat are all solitary night hunters. They are eat young entelopes, birds, and rodents. The serval cat is an extremely quick African cat. Though it most often hunts on the ground, it also an expert tree climber.

Other Cats:

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